Please note that all current orders
for shipment will be sent out on 
Monday, February 3



Alanna LaGamba
Anders Frederik Steen
Axel Prüfer
Bruno Schueller
Bruno Vacon
Ca Boit Libre
Caroline Gimenez
Catherine Dumora
Corentin Houillon
Domaine Derain
Didier Cazac
Didier Chaffardon
Didier Grappe
Dominique Belluard
Es d’Aqui
Fable Farm
Francois Saint-Lo
Houas Boukella
Imanol Garay
J-B Peltier
J-C Garnier
J-F Ganevat
J-F Ginglinger 
J-M Dreyer
J-P Robinot
Jean Maupertuis
Jerome Guichard
Julien Crinquand
Julien Guillot
Julien Labet
Kara Kellam Fowler
Kevin Bouillet
l’Absurde Génie des Fleurs
La Despeinada
La Lunotte
La Parcelle
Laurent Bannwarth
Le Coste
Le Thio Noots
Les Freres Soulier
Les Réves Oubliés
Lillian Bauchet
Lino Maga
Mai Lam
Mai & Kenji Hodgson
Marco Buratti
Marius Long
Maurizio Ferraro
Michael Georget
Michel Guignier
Patrick Corbineau
Patrick Desplats
Patrick Meyer
R. O’Neill Latta
Radovan Suman
Raphael Beysang
Remi Poujol
Romain Henin
Samuel Boulay
Selection P. Jambon
Simon Busser
Val Frison / De Marne
Vini Viti Vinci
Vouette et Sorbée
Wachstum König
Yann Durrmann
Yvon Metras

Canta is a private cave based in Los Angeles.
We ship to most states, and take local
appointments as well. We used to do
deliveries all over LA, but in reality we are
actually only one person and we got pretty
tired of doing that, so please stop by on
a Friday to pick up your wines, or write
to schedule another day. We take our
selections pretty seriously and only offer
what we ourselves have open on the
table most evenings. All wines are organized
above by producer, first name alphabetically,
and new arrivals sit on top of the photo roll.
Please write us with any questions or to build
an order. You can read a little bit more
about Canta here.

We are also available for restaurant
consultation and party + event curation.
Please get in touch with any interest.

Custom Subscriptions
Say hello  

You must be 21+ to purchase wine. 

Please note that there is a $100
minimum order, thank you for


Samuel Boulay

(Ardeche, France)

I find it beautiful that most drinkers of Samuel Boulay’s wines have no idea what he looks like—zero corruption. Originally from the Loire Valley, where he made wine in the Touraine, producing bottles legendary only to a select few who know, Boulay exists now as a sort of ghostly apparition within the Ardeche. When visiting Sam, phones and cameras are kindly asked to be directed at anywhere but him. One day during late September of 2021, on a particularly serene drive from Marseille to the Auvergne, a friend and I stopped at Sam’s place to have a quiet lunch, and to taste and to talk. Even with a visual of Boulay’s form now existing in my mind’s eye, I’m mostly left with an aura of his home and the mountainous, verdant landscape of the tiny Saint-Maurice d’Ibie that surrounds it, Sam’s physical presence a kind of psychic after glow within the overall image.

In January of this year, I drank a bottle of Rappapeo 2017 at Brawn in London (thank you P)—a blend of Viognier and Roussanne made in an old style; untopped so as to let oxygen in, and full of richly ripened white fruits, a dash of volatile acidity to seal it all together. It had been a long time since my last bottle of Sam’s, and an even longer time since our last correspondence. The next morning, and after some wild jet lag and Viognier induced dreams in my rented London N16 flat, I awoke to an early darkness and the sounds of a flock of wild birds, and to an email from Boulay announcing the birth of his granddaughter, wishing me a fruitful 2023 full of good wine and music ahead. While easy to write off as coincidence, that moment, in some indescribable way, felt larger than life. I believe that Sam’s energy runs deeply, and that like other artists or winemakers with profound sensitivities, Boulay is tuned into certain vibratory channels beyond the realms of normal perception. Perhaps needless to say, Sam’s wines follow suit; quietly sublime juices full of shifting textures and subtleties, markers of the sad and beautiful passage of time. Providing new angles and vistas of the Ardeche, an overall misunderstood region of fairly new context—but a place where Boulay’s work sings—Sam’s bottles, in the most delicate ways, ask more questions than they tell answers.

Spigao 2019
Cabernet Sauvignon / Merlot

Ritournelle 2020

Fractal 2021

Damoiselle Rouge 2016
Cabernet Sauvignon

Rappapeo 2018
Viognier / Roussanne

Frichetti 2017
Cabernet Sauvignon / Merlot

Frichetti 2018
Cabernet Sauvignon / Merlot

Fricheti 2019
Cabernet Sauvignon / Merlot